In my class discussion- we had to review two different DUI cases. One of them stated that Ms. Smith was in her car with the keys in the ignition asleep at the wheel. The car was parked and the gear was in park. She got a DUI. I personally have done the same thing, I couldn't get a ride, couldn't afford a taxi. I turned the car on so I could have the AC running. The only different step I took was sleeping in the passenger seat because I have heard that you can get a DUI in the driver's seat. I had no intention on driving.
2ND case- Mr. Smith was in the middle of the lake on a boat. He had his child and girlfriend with him. He was over the limit. The girlfriend had never operated a boat before. NOW- he did not have the keys in the ignition- but was behind the wheel. First of all, to endanger a child like that should have stricter laws. Second of all, he received a DUI as well.
FL statute 322.2615 f.s. states that a DUI may be given if the person is driving or in physical control of the vehicle. There is no definition that I found on physical control-
So- an ignorant student in the discussion says, "none of this would have happened if they were home." Really freaking genius. Thank you for the insight as I would have never guessed that myself. Idiot. Bottom line is- I said that marijuana should be legal and alcohol & cigs shouldn't. I really want someone to find an article that says alcohol is safer than marijuana. There has NEVER IN HISTORY been a reported case of overdosing on marijuana. Society deems it bad because is has the title "illegal." I take adderall- I am prescribed it, it's generic name on my bottle is "amphetamine." I test positive for Meth and I have never even seen meth. Is it good for me? Probably not. If all of society knew it was amphetamine would they think of it being in a different manner? A woman died drinking too much water for f's sake. EVERYTHING in this world can be harmful in too high of doses- but you can't argue a fact- no one has ever died from an overdose on marijuana. How many people have died from alcohol and alcohol related incidences? And cigarettes?
I have a 7 year old son, would I tell him to smoke pot and that it is OK? Hell no, same goes with drinking, smoking cigarettes, doing other drugs, abusing prescription pills.....jumping out of an airplane, I mean, crap- kids die in football practice! Are you going to never go into the ocean because you may get ate by a shark, are you never going to drive a car because you may die in an accident, are you never going to step out of your house in fear of getting raped, kidnapped, or murdered?
I am so aggravated with the ignorance of society. People feel they have to get married because that is what has always been done in the past- now I really hate politics and steer clear from them at all costs, but why can't people that love each other and are happy just be left alone? It's fine the way it is. My best friend has been in a relationship longer than most people stay married! Also- people that claim to be such Christian people and don't abide by all the Bible says are hypocrites as well. Be that good person before you go around throwing your beliefs and using it as a way to make yourself feel superior to others! If you want to stake that claim, then don't curse, don't talk badly about other people, don't be in a wedding as a maid of honor or best-man and then sleep with the ex spouse after a divorce- isn't marriage a "sacred" thing? And if you were honorable as in the title "maid of honor," than you wouldn't have done that. I just really can't stand ignorance and hypocrites. Am I both at times? For sure- but I own it.
To each their own. Jump on the society band wagon or not. Who really cares and it doesn't really matter in the whole scheme of things. Live and let live. Be happy don't worry!
One last thing- if pot was legal than it would stimulate our economy. Legalize marijuana, keep cigs and alcohol legal- inflate the taxes on all of them! We should be focusing on catching violent and "real" drug dealers. Stop wasting time and money on pot charges. It overcrowds the jails and prisons. Last point- it would stop our money going to other countries to get the freaking pot in the first place!!!!
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